Download Dataset:
Made by:
권준혁 (Jun Hyuk Kwon)
Data type:
Time series data / Text Data
Amount of samples:
25337 / 3.47MB
Collection period:
2017-12-13 ~ 2022-07-19
Changing wrong datas:
There are missing dates in this dataset, since it is kind of a raw data.
Method of changing wrong sentiment values:
Sentiment value should be 1 to 5, so I changed the 0 value to the average value of the whole dataset(excepting 0 values).
0.000000 → 2.76863313
The reason for the 0 value: a mistake at the exception code
Collected from:
Stock name:
Bitcoin (BTC-KRW)
Sentiment Analysis with:
nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment · Hugging Face
Sentiment rated at:
1~5 (The higher the score, the more positive the is the sentiment result.)
Sample Data: